Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We are Still Trying to Raise Money for Rotary Club Shipments

We continue trying to raise money to make four humanitarian aid shipments. Products are containerized and need to be shipped ASAP as lives are in our hands. If your club can help, please contact PDG 7620, Rob Ketron at (410) 952-8933...cell; (410) 464-2788.

Photos shown are Rotarians from D-7610 helping to inventory and then load containers for delivery to Romania, Moldova, and Samoa, on the loading dock at Paxton International, inSpringfield, VA. Because much of the inventory is date sensitive, we need to ship immediately. If your club has any funds available to help we would appreciate your participation with these multi-club and multi-district projects!

These projects are PARTNERSHIPS in the trueist sense of the word, and include DDF funds from District 6450 (Chicago area); 6690 (North Carolina); and District 6670 (Ohio); along with funding from Rotary Clubs in my district (6540-Indiana); Clubs in D-9920, as well as Clubs from Western Samoa.

All four projects have been in the final stages of completion for several months and include:
  • Romania Project: 22 pallets of new clothing from Christian Aid Ministries in Indiana, Food from Rotary Clubs in D-6540, and 10 pallets of medical supplies from D-6450 (Chicago). The medical supplies are for Womens and Childrens Hospital in Targu Mures; the food and clothing for orphanages in Western Romania.
  • Moldova: Complete Dental Office Suite donated to D-7690 (North Carolina) from the School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina; Four pallets of medical supplies donated by the medical supply warehouse in Florida; three pallets of new teddy bears and toys, from clubs in D-7690; a complete optical lab donated by Rotary Clubs in Kentucky and Texas via a donation from Texas Lyons; and a pallet of electronic equipment furnished by the North Carolina National Guard (State partner of Moldova under NGBIA State Partnership Program).
  • Samoa: Six pallets of medical supplies from D-7690; 7 dialysis machines from the Greensboro, NC Dialysis Center for the Rotary Health Clinic in Samoa; thirty-six hospital beds and infirmery furniture donated by Bellfountaine, OH Rotary (D-6670); one medical exam table and related supplies.
  • 2nd Container for Moldova: Neurological equipment and supplies from UCLA Medical Center from the remodeling program started three years ago. Equipment is destined for Women's and Children's Hospital in Chisinau, Moldova.

The culmination of these projects covers care for both women and children in areas of the world where basic medial care, food, and other health services are simply not available. By joining the partnership, with so many fellow Rotarians, the money could not have a greater "global impact" than this. The total estimated value of humanitarian aid relief container in these containers has been estimated at nearly $2.0 million. That's a lot of value for a combined $57,000 from all club and district donations.

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