Friday, January 22, 2010

Dennis Chong D-7020
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
From: "Richard McCombe"
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 06:16:04 -0500
Subject: Haiti Update January 21st

To: Dennis Chong, New Kingston

We had two flights today from Nassau into Haiti today. We had the Odyssey Caravan loaded with 3000lbs of medical supplies for Pignon and another flight sponsored by Van Meurs Corporation and taking in some high end medical supplies with the Red Cross. Unfortunately when the Caravan arrived the Pignon grass strip was fogged in so Captian Paul Aranha went back to Cap Haitien. Caleb called his brother who met the flight there and secured the supplies while the Pignon Hospital truck drove to cap Haitien and collected everything. It went very well and the supplies were at work with the sick and wounded last night when I spoke to DGN Dr. Guy.

The second flight arrived later and went directly to Pignon. They were received by the ground team, given a tour of the hospital dropped the supplies an left. I hope to hear from them this morning.

We had some interesting Air issues yesterday. A gentleman that was adding his plane to the fleet from the Bahmas had to ditch in the sea on the way down here. No injuries but very unfortunate. Another flight lost an engine due to catastrophic failure on take off, but he was empty so all was well. he called me last night and has borrowed a friends plane and has an engine on the wat for his. The challenge ahead is Inagua is out of gas and do not expect to have any until Wednesday next week. We will now need to fly through Georgetown Exuma with the small planes for refueling which adds to distance and time. Our Caravan uses jet A so its still OK. It was a very difficult day on the communication side yesterday.

I did not get through to Claude Surena at all and neither did any of the ground team so we are still struggling with the communication is a big way. I did hear from Assistant Governor Ted Lazzare. He had moved out of his car and into a Shelter Box and felt that he could venture further now that his wife and daughter were properly sheltered. We were also able to give him some cash so he can get some supplies and gas. He will be trying to locate some of the Carrefour members and assist with their plight.

I will be meeting with the Red Cross today in Nassau. They have received enormous amounts of â?oStuff" for Haiti. Much of it is still outside their building and they are sorting. If there are critical supplies there we will take them and get them on the ground in Haiti in the next short while. The rest of the stuff can go with our Sea shipment which is being planned now. We are trying to secure containers in Nassau and Freeport which can go down. A number of Rotarians are trying to secure a barge that we can ship on. I have contacted a fellow Rotarian from the Petion-Ville club in Haiti and he will provide the trucking for the goods. We can container ship to cap Haitien and truck down or Ro-Ro barge to St. Marc or Gonaives, so the plan is coming together. This shipment will be things like food, water, beds, blankets, heavy supplies and clothing as a filler.

The surgical tent in the Hospital yard in Les Cayes is emanent. I should have final times on that later today. Because of the difficult communication yesterday I do not know the status of the St. Croix has a barge in St. Marc full of 1200 cases of water and additional supplies. I will try to get that for you today. The Tortola X-Ray machine and supplies are in the air and will be in Port de Paix by noon today. Yves will meet the flight. There are two Doctors on board that flight that are being dropped in Pignon and will go to Claude Surena's house/clinic when they arrive.

The Dialysis machines are still needed.We have 100 water boxes couriered to Miami and in the que and destined for Haiti consigned to our team down there. I will try to find out how we can move them through quickly today.

I'll keep you posted.PDG Dick

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Updates from Haiti - D 6110

Update from Hosean International Ministry staff:

Our national Director, Caleb Lucien, returned from his initial assessment trip into Port au Prince late last night. The conditions are beyond description and I think most people have seen the images on CNN. Imagine if the entire community where you are in any direction for 25 miles is completely destroyed. Caleb related that every several yards there were dead bodies piled up and no one could even stop to cover them up because there was nowhere or no way to take them. He personally slept in the ministry car. At present we are working to provide immediate aid and to evacuate as many as possible to safe locations within Haiti. Yesterday Caleb coordinated bringing 45 who could be transported to our community and is working to move many more.

Today he was obliged to travel to the Dominican Republic to evacuate a group of 25 Americans who were in our community volunteering. While they did not want to leave, we told them this was the best for now. In coming weeks, there will be more opportunity as some structure to relief work emerges. While in the D.R. he will purchase supplies, food, and materials to provide immediate aid with the funds donors have provided.

Caleb is coordinating receiving a plane load of supplies from Rotary International from the Bahamas on Monday, Jan. 18th. He met with the Prime Minister’s office yesterday to be able to pick it up the donated items immediately without customs fees. He will meet the loads and take it immediately to three areas he has identified in Port au Prince which are standing and can distribute the supplies. His good friend, Haiti’s head of Habitat for Humanity was almost killed but is working with him to distribute them through his church among others.

This is a time for Haitian Christian leaders to stand together. Please be praying for continuing unity. Pray that Christians will rise to the cause both here in the states. We are encouraged to see many arriving/evacuating to our community and being able to receive help here. Our local hospital, Hôpital Bienfaisance is receiving many wounded. A national congressman was injured and stopped at three major facilities on the way unable to find help. When he arrived here, he found supplies and aid.

A sight visible on every block in the city of Port au Prince
Miracle stories continue to emerge, I just heard on the radio that the fire department from Cap Haitien just pulled away fallen buildings from the University in Port au Prince and found college students alive after 4 days! Praise God.

Banks are all closed in Haiti. We will still be able to receiving your donations via our stateside office and they will go to immediate aid. Thank you for your prayers and concerns!

We love you guys! ………………..Debbie Lucien for all

More word from D-6110 - Haiti

UPDATE CONTINUED.. Wednesday Jan. 13 2010

Willem spent time getting out today to see Port Au Prince. The conditions all over are very bad.

At present, no relief aid has come to Haiti.

The medical team working at MTM this week spent the day cleaning up the Gramothe clinic, seeing just a new patients from the village. The clinic had a lot of supplies toppled from shelves, but the building remains in tack.

Several trauma injuries were seen in our front yard this morning including a young lady that I think was sure she would die. She was a student from Port Au Prince that was in her school when a portion of it fell on her. She was brought to us lying in the bed of a truck, looking as if she had no hope, but praying & encouraged when asked if she knew Jesus. She had gone to a hospital in the city, they bandaged her chin & sent her away (it was a gash worthy of stitches but none were given). She came to us unable to move, not having passed urine since yesterday. After carefully tending to her facial wound, the nurses then turned to her next situation trying a very simple procedure, warm water!

The last tremor was felt at sometime around 12 midnight Tuesday. While having dinner at 4 today, we had another heavy tremor that sent the team out of the house. It wasn't =ong before there was a knock at the gate. Our little 13 yr. old family friend that is helping David with his Creole popped his head in to ask if he could stay. His aunt wasn't home & the quake had brought down part of their house leaving him homeless. We welcomed him in.
Just a few minutes after came another knock. Twelve frightened children enter our home, each greeting =e with a kiss, it was the children from our very own Laboule Childrens' home. A house near them had fallen with the last tremor & the nanny was concerned that she had not yet heard from her family. So, we =elcomed them in too! Stephen & David are hosting the slumber party with peanut butter, raisin crackers, water & a movie that they all enjoyed together after we made their beds on the floor of the front room. It was quite an interesting sight :) So, tomorrow morning we will ee having breakfast for 37!

The team from Chicago that is here is waiting word to know when they can fly home. We have another team due in on Monday that will be working with the students, church leadership =amp; doing construction work. Nurses will also be on the team & will be prepared to assist those in need. Again, please pray.

News From D-6110 - Haiti

From: Jack Maxwell [] Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 3:45 PMTo: Ron White; Ed MattsonSubject: FW: forwarding message re: Haiti and Rotarian/Missionary Caleb and his wife Debbie in Haiti (1 of 5)

You folks asked to see the following 5 emails originating on Thursday following the earthquake in Haiti.
Note the reference to Rotary, Containers from Rotary International sources, etc.

Mike Conningham is a Rotarian in Tulsa Rotary and his friend Caleb is a Rotarian in Little Rock. Mike said Caleb had a missionary compound 90 miles North of Port au Prince and they would open it to evacuees if needed. They can take up to 2,000 people and they have a dirt air strip on site.

Jack MaxwellRotary Club of Bixby PP 02-03D6110 Chair of Water / Health ConcernsFounder and Chairman of D6110 MSNI11616 South Fulton AvenueTulsa, OK 74137918-296-0689Fax 918-296-0691918-637-8456

Sunday, January 17, 2010

AT LAST - Fully Engineered Portable Trauma/Surgical Center

Transitional Rapid Recovery Field Hospital – Briefing

It started as a discussion topic on Tuesday evening, January 12, following the Haiti earthquake after seeing the pile of rubble that was once the National Hospital in Port Au Prince . Nobody initially took us seriously, but the members of The Humanitarian Network, when put to the task, can accomplish most things. The vision of a portable MASH-style facility was too big a task and there was no way to accomplish such a project over night. But then again, nobody realized the gravity of the situation in Haiti, that it would go rapidly downhill starting Wednesday morning, or that the Network Partners have the resources and drive to get projects done.

In just three days working with Project Hope International, MSNI, IMECA, and others, we have engineered a facility that can be erected in-the-field, in a day’s time, by basic unskilled labor and supervisory help from The Network. It can be completely equiped with diagnostic equipment, operating suites, triage/exam room, pharmaceutical storage (refrigerated as well); outfitted with a purified water and air system, 110 and 220 electrical system, air conditioning and able to withstand class 1 or 2 hurricane winds, at a price that is easily affordable. The variable in the cost would be attributed to the inclusionary equipment required including portable x-ray, ultrasound, and other high tech requirements. For the units designed for Haiti, we even have an accompaniment of manual hospital beds exceeding 60 at this stage, though many may have to be situated in an adjacent structure or tent. This is feasible because the weather in very hospitable.

This Surgical Center is an ideal project for a Service Club District, NGO, government agency, or any concerned group of individuals, including cities with Sister-City relationships. It is the ideal facility for any disaster related event or to handle normal hospital overflow in cases of man-made disaster or use for national/state emergencies.


· Staffing, equipment and supplies by Project HOPE
· 6000 ft2 total enclosed space
· Separate rooms for surgical procedures
· Adequate lighting for different purposes
· Air conditioning and ventilation
· Refrigeration
· 6,000 ft2 Enclosures for Trauma Center, Surgery Suite and Patient Care
· Two each 44 ft diameter domes with enclosed rooms inside the shells
· Galvanized steel frame
· Assemble by hand – no special equipment required
· Two - Five (or more, as specified), enclosed rooms
· Hard-panel frameless enclosed rooms
· High-efficency LED lighting, appropriate for the purpose of each space
· Air Conditioning
· Adequate electricity for all lighting and air conditioning
· Solar panels, gel batteries, invertors, control boxes, wiring
· Additional 40% of capacity (i.e. 120% of load total) provided by quiet generators
· fuel to be specified (propane, gas, diesel)
· Refrigerator 12v DC 15 ft3 ultra-high efficiency for vaccines and similar items
· Extra-cold refrigerator 12vDC 10 ft3 ultra-high efficiency for blood and serum
· TOTAL PRICE FOB ORIGIN: $225,000 w/Water Filtration System
· Funding Programs Availible

For Information on How to Participate in this Program, contact simply call: 877-532-2919

Latest News on Haiti - Sunday Morning

Gen. Keen, SOUTHCOM, just issued a release regarding logistics and incoming flight coordination and bottlenecks at airports, using all assets within Haiti. This includes the airport at Cap Haitien where Gen Keen is now situated. They must clear transit routes from Cap Haitien to Port Au Prince. This is why our flights from Air Haiti were diverted temporarily I guess. There's a Naval Admiral now working with General Keen to see what they can do to get the Ports open, but this will not be an overnight occurance. The Port Au Prince facility was totally destroyed and under water wreckage has to be dealt with.

There are 10,000 US military personnel which will be Haiti by this afternoon

Just in from Medshare: Nathan Carmack reports we have found an air routing to Pignon and other airstrips like Jacmal. We are referring all trafficing info to George Lee who is the Loadmaster of operation "Air Haiti". This info will be shared with Dr. Ali Tahari and Peter Deputy to pass along.

A Fuel Fund for humanitarian flights will be established on Tuesday (Monday in a US bank holiday). We will request donations. Rotarian Dennis Chong has arranged for refueling in Jamaica for general aviation pilots and other to refuel after dropping loads in Haiti. Once established, we will arrage for drafting the flight funds for refueling needs with Dennis. We all need to spread the word that we need to build this fund as quickly as possible so cargo flight can be assured of funding for their fuel needs. See: look for Fuel Flight Donations Button to contribute. Project Support Partners LLC has been asked to set-up a club fund raising program so clubs and other organizzations can raise money to finance this program. More on that shortly.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

"Air Haiti" Bulletin

"Air Haiti" Bulletin
Just received word that one of the flights into Haiti was told they couldn't land. Looks as if SOUTHCOM has taken over all fight scheduling into all areas of Haiti. This is something our LoadMaster, George, is dealing with. He has great report with SOUTHCOM and will gain our objectives, but today and tomorrow will be "no fly" days (we have one plane spending the day in some out-of-way, pissant-airport waiting to complete it's mission...and it has medical suppliers on board)

From here on out, we need to have known-clearance when a plane leaves, that we can land. Priority ITEMS ONLY as deemed by SOUTHCOM and UN/USAID. They include:


There is no fuel available anywhere in Haiti, All planes must carry enough fuel to make their return trip. There may be no fuel in Dom Rep shortly for General Aviation aircraft,; only commercial traffic. There could be refueling in Bahamas, Jamaica, Puerto Rico according to Rtn. Dennis Chong. With out having sea lane available, this looks to be the standard operating procedures for the near future. We will continue to keep everyone in The Loop, and notify you if things change.

We will have private planes and pilots hopefully available to fly-in waterboxes and small quantities of medical supplies (twin engine aircraft, i.e. Cessna 310, has a range of about 1000 miles and carry about 1000 lbs, so they would have to refuel in Dom Rep, Jamaica, Puerto Rico or Bahamas before returning to The States).

More and latest posting please check in at

Friday, January 15, 2010

Network Partner Plan USA - Haiti Program

Plan USA's earthquake response: phase 1 and phase 2 activities:
Plan is responding immediately, starting with providing water, food, and hygiene materials to those in the various makeshift internally displaced persons camps in the Port-au-Prince and Jacmel areas.

Plan will also be responding in the seven field office areas in the earthquake zone, including Jacmel’s surrounding areas, Cayes-Jacmel and Croix-des-Bouquets, which are severely affected. Communications have now been partially re-established, and all 143 Plan staff are safe (although one is hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries) and all staff have been assigned to earthquake response. Additionally, Plan is sending disaster management experts in child protection, earthquake response, water sanitation and hygiene (WASH), logistics, communications, ICT in emergencies, and other support staff from Plan Dominican Republic, the regional office in Panama and International Headquarters in the UK.

Plan is working closely with government, emergency services and other organizations to respond to the immediate needs of children in the region and to assess the situation. During previous emergencies such as the hurricanes of 2008, Plan field offices have begun response immediately in the first 24 hours, even before outside help arrived and before communications were re-established.

Plan Dominican Republic is acting as a hub for these operations and will coordinate all the logistics, including transportation between Dominican Republic and Haiti.

Plan’s priorities are to work across the affected areas to provide immediate and longer term relief, and also to ensure the rights of children are protected during this response. A Rapid Needs Assessment is currently being undertaken to ensure that Plan’s long term response is effective, efficient and targets the most vulnerable.
Phase 1, the Emergency Phase: In the first 90 days the focus is on:
· Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH),
· Temporary shelter and non-food items (including kitchen utensils, soap, etc),
· Food,
· Medical supplies and health services; and
· Child protection.

Phase 2, the Recovery Phase: During months 3 to 12 and beyond, the focus is on:
· Recovery WASH activities, such as repair of water systems,
· Rebuilding shelter,
· Child protection and psychosocial support,
· Education in emergencies;
· Child-focused emergency education and Disaster Risk Reduction, and
· Potential rehabilitation, reconstruction and equipping of buildings like schools and hospitals.

From MedShare International-Transportation to Haiti

Flag this message
RE: Contact
Friday, January 15, 2010 2:12 PM
"Josh Kravitz" Add sender to Contacts
"Robert Ketron"
"R-M LC Dr Leigh Readdy" , "ed mattson" , "Neil Young" , "7620 DG09 Paul Frey"
Hey Rob,

This is promising!

We will have 20 4x4 pallets that are normally built 7 feet tall, but that can be adjusted.

How much does it does to fuel a DC3?


Josh Kravitz
Programs Director
3240 Clifton Springs Road
Decatur, GA 30034
770-323-5858 x203

Addressing Medical Relief in Haiti

Many thanks for the follow-up. We just posted it on and will post this afternoon on and

We have several state disaster agencies who have been in contact with us regarding goods they want to send in. Good to know you can handle it.

We also have a major Humanitarian Network Partner who is putting together a Transitional Building (see: so Project Hope International, another of our startegic partners, will have a clean facility to perform major surjuries. Project Hope has several medical teams in country now, with much needed medical supplies and medicine.

We have several medical warehouses which can send medical supplies as a back-up to replace the local doctors who have run out, and replenish Project Hope. By copy herewith, I am asking for Jack Maxwell and Larry Biron, to send me a list of what we can send from MSNI, how much we need to raise, and we'll post that as a high priority project on The Netwrok. This and another load of Waterboxes will be a high priority on Air Haiti. We will have cost figures for the Hospital Trauma Building shortly and hope Rotarians will step up and help fund it. We could have it there in a day or so, but need Rotarian manpower to erect it over in Port au Prince.

More again shortly....many thanks
RTN. Ed Mattson PHF (Cell: 630.440.7912)

Monetary Donations Via Rotary-Dominican Republic

From: Charles F. Adams Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 5:17 PMTo: John Eberhard ( Barry Rassin (; Dick McCombe (; 'Ramiro Melo'; 'claude surena'; Alexandra Martinez Adams ( DR Haiti Disaster Relief CommitteeImportance: High

To: Mr. John Eberhard
Executive Director, CRCID, and Chair,
Disaster Relief – Rotarian Action Group
Phone: 519-473-2100
Fax: 519-471-8982

From: Charles F. Adams
International Coordinator
Haiti Disaster Relief Committee
District 4060, Dominican Republic
U.S. phone to the DR: 518-685-4285
DR cell phone: 829-509-5505 or 809-753-5505
Electronic Fax (U.S.): 518-338-0124

Re: Credentials of the DR Haiti Disaster Relief Committee

Dear John:
On behalf of 4060 DG Ramiro Sanchez and all the members of our Haiti Disaster Relief Committee, I am pleased to convey the background information and documentation about our committee that you requested in our phone conversation, this morning.
District 4060 is not just motivated by its commitment to “Service Above Self” with respect to the tragedy of Haiti, its island neighbor. After all, we know all too well what tragedy is after the devastating hurricanes we experience, ourselves. But the Dominican Republic, by accident of geography, is also uniquely situated to be an effective route for delivering emergency goods and services to Haiti. In fact, for many things, the DR may be the least expensive and fastest way to acquire and ship materials and supplies into Haiti.
What Haiti needs the most is not available in Haiti – at any price. One cannot buy food when there is no food, nor medicines when there are none. But most of what is needed is available in the Dominican Republic, and the Dominican government is firmly committed to facilitating aid initiatives to Haiti. Accordingly, the DR’s 64 Rotary Clubs believe that we can play a useful role by creating an effective supply chain of emergency goods from the DR to Haiti.

Our Haiti Disaster Relief Committee, therefore, has two initiatives. One is to marshal the contributions of goods from our own 64 Rotary Clubs for delivery to Haiti. DG Ramiro has already published that request, and individual clubs have already begun collecting needed supplies. The second is to solicit the support of the international Rotary community.
Many foreign Rotary clubs and districts do not know how to work directly with the Rotary clubs in Haiti – and it is not always easy to do so, even under the best of circumstances. However, we know the Haitian Rotarians well. For the past three years while managing the national campaign “Pure Water for Haiti,” for example, the Petion-Ville club was my “home” club. Dr. Claude Surena, a dear friend of mine and with whom you’ve spoken by phone, is an eminent member of that club as well as being the president of the Haitian Medical Association. Dr. Surena has agreed to manage the storage and distribution of supplies sent from the DR to Haiti by our committee.
DG Ramiro has named the following Rotarians to the Haiti Disaster Relief Committee;
Ramiro Sanchez, DG 09-10. Email: Phone: 809-399-0978 (in Spanish)
Aura Baslis, DG 10-11. Email:
Jacqueline Medina, DG 11-12. Email:
Alexandra Martinez de Adams, DG 12-13. Email:
Jose Augusto Mella, PDG 06-07 and District Secretary 09-10. Email:
Jose Ma [Zhema] Fernandez, AG 09-10, Webmaster and PR. Email:
Ambiorix de la Cruz, P 09-010, Santo Domingo Naco. Email:
Marilis Perez, PP, Santo Domingo Colonial. Email:
Ruben Goico Rodriguez, National Coordinator of the Committee. Email:
Charles F. Adams, International Coordinator of the Committee. Email:

To facilitate the receipt and disbursements of funds by bank wire, DG Ramiro has set up a dedicated bank account at Banco BHD. (Please contact DG Ramiro directly for instructions)

We know that individuals and small clubs or organizations are often not acquainted with using bank wires -- or it is just not economic for them to do so. Therefore, to facilitate the handling of smaller contributions by check or money order in the U.S. and Canada, Safe Water Institute, Inc., a 509(c)(3) in Grand Rapids, MI (which is also officially registered to do business in the DR) has agreed to serve as the agent for the Haiti Disaster Relief Committee. Safe Water Institute will accept checks, money orders, or cash on behalf of the Haiti Disaster Relief Committee and convey those funds immediately to our committee in the DR.
Checks or money orders should be made out to Safe Water Institute, Inc. and sent to:

Safe Water Institute, Inc.
Attn: Harry J. Knopke, CEO
P.O. Box 68007Grand Rapids, MI 49516
Phone: 616-774-8017
Cell: 616-540-4094

I will also attach a letter ( as you requested) from DG Ramiro which authorizes me to solicit funds for our committee.
Finally, I know you by reputation, of course; however, we have never met. Accordingly, I will attach some background information for your “due diligence” file.
It would be an honor if District 4060 Rotarians could make it possible for other clubs, districts, foundations, and aid agencies in the U.S. and elsewhere to come to the rescue of people in Haiti who are suffering and dying. And time is of the essence. If you feel that this would be a productive way for other Rotarians to help, kindly feel free to tell other districts and clubs about our committee and our willingness to be of service.
The Future of Haiti Is In Our Hands.

Charles F. Adams
Dom.Rep. Home: 809-226-8565
Dom.Rep. Cell: 829-509-5505 or 809-753-5505
U.S. Line to Dom.Rep.: 518-685-4285
Electronic Fax: 518-338-0124